Pentecostal girl/ B.Tech / Software Engineer, Bangalore...
Pentecostal parents settled in Qatar, invite proposals for their daughter (Jan.1998 / 163cm). She is working as a Software Engineer in an MNC in Bangalore. Seeking suitable proposals from Pentecostal parents of Born again, educated and professionally qualified boys. COntct: +974 7474 8070, +974 662 17230
Pentecostal girl; MBBS; Employed / Wanted Groom / GN Matrimony...
Pentecostal parents invite proposals for their daughter ( DOB 20.11.1998 / 158 cm / 45 Kg) MBBS; currently working in a private hospital. Seeking suitable proposals from parents of God fearing, well educated and employed Christian groom who shares similar values. Contact:
India: 9605815270
UAE: 971505815489
Pentecostal boy in Canada; Masters from Canada/ Working...
Syrian Christian Pentecostal parents living in Mumbai prayerfully inviting proposal for their son (August 1997 / 175 cms.) Masters from Canada (PR holder) and working in Canada with Ontario Provincial Police Department; seeking alliance from parents of God fearing, baptized and sprit filled and non-ornamental girls. Contact 91673 13257.