Not by my sight or by power, but by the Power of Holy Spirit

Ethan Elias, Toronto | Article

Not by my sight or by power, but by the Power of Holy Spirit

Not by my sight or by power, but by the Power of Holy Spirit

 Ethan Elias, Toronto

Power of the Holy Spirit is incredibly impactful in the life of a child of God. The Holy Spirit’s power is beyond human intellectual capacity. Three characters that were moved by the Holy Spirit despite their own physical limitations and lack of worldly power were Zechariah, Mary, and Peter.

Zechariah was used by God as a prophet after the people of Judah’s period of exile in Bablyon for 70 years had happened. Zechariah prophesied to the Jews to return to God from their former ways when they were in Bablyon. In the early chapters of Zechariah, he was tasked by God to tell Zerubabbel, leader of the Jews that returned from exile, to restore the temple. The angel that told Zechariah about this and said to him in Zechariah 4:6, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty.” The Power of the Holy Spirit helped in the recovery process for the exiled Jews and paved the way for the true Messiah, that Zechariah later prophesied about in the book of Zechariah, Jesus Christ.

Mary was filled by the Holy Spirit in the Bible as she conceived Jesus as a virgin. The Holy Spirit interceded in this matter to make the impossible become possible. Mary could not have done this by her own might and power but as it says in Matthew 1:20, “because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.” Even during the uncertainty for Mary’s husband, Joseph, God provided certainty that Mary’s birth may not have been understandable by human power but by the power of the Holy Spirit it was very possible. 

Peter was a great man of God who preached to people after the Jesus’ ascension to heaven. When met with a difficult situation with the Sadducees, who had worldly power and wisdom, Peter was “filled with the Holy Spirit” as it says in Acts 4:8. The Power of the Holy Spirit came mightily on a man of God so that the power through his words were greater than the power of the Sadducees. The result of the words spoken by Peter through the Holy Spirit resulted in realization for the Sadducees of their unworthiness, as it says in Acts 4:13, “When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished, and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.” 

The Power of the Holy Spirit worked in people in the Bible that were instruments for God’s glorious plan, including Zechariah, Mary, and Peter. The infilling of the Holy Spirit for Christians to fulfil their goal of sharing the Word of God with others, being notable examples as God’s people, and resisting the temptations of worldly powers.
